Sunday, December 12, 2010

Polygraph -Zoe Tenreiro


The lie detector test was originally used to preform harsh forms of torture in the middle ages.
Daniel Defoe connected it with lying in 1730.
James Mackenzie added to it in 1902.
It was fully modified by a man named Leonarde Keeler in the 1930's.
In 1924 police were allowed to use it in their interrogations.
It was able to detect lying because the machine measure your change in breathing, blood pressure, pulses, and perspiration.
A person would record the results.
Usually when a person was lying they will sweat, breath heavier, and raise their blood pressure involuntarily.

A polygraph is when a person is asked a series of questions that they are supposed to give the true answer to.
They are closely monitored to detect any change in blood pressure and or pulse beats etc.
The most recent version of the lie detector was invented by Leonarde Keeler.
The polygraph is considered one of the most prominent inventions Encyclopaedia Britannica Almanac.
It was ranked in the top 325!
Keeler decided to add electrodes to peoples finger tips to measure the sweat loss as well.


Although Leonarde Keeler was the most recent scientist to help modify the lie detector John Larson is the most well know inventor.
He was a police officer and a medical student at the University of California.
John Invented his version of the lie detector in the year 1921.


Having the polygraph greatly impacted the United States government in as early as world war I.
They would use it to distinguish spies.
But it has also impacted our society.
For example now that we can prove that someone is lying by taking this test why swear on a bible?


In my journal article it explains the controversy with using the polygraph on governmental workers and employees. People would be able to argue freedom of speech and that they were unable to say what they needed to say freely.

Bellis, Mary. "History of the Lie Detector or Polygraph Machine." Inventors. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2010.

Council, the National Research, and evaluators agreed that the invention. "Home Page - Polygraph." University of Mary Washington. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2010.

"ILPE: FAQs - polygraph, lie detector, polygraph examiner, Europe, Ukraine." International League of Polygraph Examiners. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010.

"Lies!, Lies!! Lies!!!The Psychology of Deceit." Questia School - The Online Library for Students and Educators. N.p., nmethod, this, and the robust will escape. "Origin of the Modern Polygraph." University of Mary Washington. N.p., n.d.

Web. 5 Dec. 2010.

"The Lie Detector." American Decades. 2001. 07 Dec. 2010 <>.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your "drafts" are FUNNY! Just deleted them for you!!!
